
edible rice bran Learn more about edible rice bran

  • Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Cultivation formula of common edible fungi

    Mushroom name: Pleurotus ostreatus (per square meter) 1. Cottonseed shell 20 kg, calcium superphosphate 0.4 kg, gypsum powder 0.6 kg, urea 0.1 kg.

  • Key techniques of early Operation of Edible Fungi Culture material

    Key techniques of early Operation of Edible Fungi Culture material

    It is very important to make a good culture material of edible fungus, which directly affects the growth of edible fungus and the benefit of growers. Here I will take Gymboree starter as an example to introduce the essentials of operation. 1. Preparation: according to 0.1% of the weight of the culture material (that is, 1/1000, if the newspaper waste is reused, 0.2% can be added) to prepare Gymboree edible mushroom culture material fermentation auxiliaries; pre-soak or pre-wet the crushed or cut-off main materials, adjust the moisture to 60%, 70%, and the PH value is about 8. The moisture content is too low, which is not conducive to the rapid propagation of functional microorganisms.

  • Circular Production Technology of Edible Fungi

    Circular Production Technology of Edible Fungi

    Circular Production Technology of Edible Fungi

  • The method of growing Mushroom with Edible Culture fermentation Additives

    The method of growing Mushroom with Edible Culture fermentation Additives

    The production of edible fungus culture material with fermentation auxiliaries has the characteristics of fast fermentation, thorough fermentation, high temperature fermentation and low temperature fermentation, greatly shortening the production time of conventional fermentation, reducing labor intensity, reducing cost and so on. There are also the characteristics of "universal" (can ferment almost all organic materials that need to be fermented) and "strong adaptability" (loose requirements for environmental conditions). The comparative test and demonstration of fermentation auxiliaries for Gymboree edible fungus produced by Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. shows that this fermentation agent is better than that of other countries.

  • The use method of cultivating edible fungus with biological starter and the fertilization method of edible fungus.

    The use method of cultivating edible fungus with biological starter and the fertilization method of edible fungus.

    Application method of cultivating Edible Fungi with Biological starter

  • Can piglets eat rice bran?

    Can piglets eat rice bran?

    Piglets can eat rice bran, but it should be noted that they can only eat a moderate amount of rice bran, and do not eat rice bran that has been stored for too long, otherwise it is easy to cause diarrhea, which is rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus. Rice bran should be softened with warm water before feeding.

    2020-11-08 Piglets edible rice bran summary piglets yes edible rice bran
  • Technology of cultivating Edible Fungi with Rice and Wheat Straw

    Technology of cultivating Edible Fungi with Rice and Wheat Straw

    Technology of cultivating Edible Fungi with Rice and Wheat Straw

  • Experiment on the formula of cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus with mulberry sawdust

    Experiment on the formula of cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus with mulberry sawdust

    At present, the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in Fujian, Jiangxi and other places mainly use hard sawdust and cottonseed shell, but the yield is low. The purpose of this experiment is to explore the suitable formula of cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus with mulberry sawdust and silkworm sand in order to make full use of local resources, save cost and improve economic benefit. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 the tested strain Tea Tree Mushroom No.1 was provided by Fujian Gutian Kexing Edible Fungi Research Institute. 1.2 the experimental formula ① cotton husk 82%, wheat bran 18%; ② cotton seed shell 36%, mulberry sawdust 36%, rice straw powder 10%, silkworm sand

  • What conditions are needed for the growth and development of edible fungi

    What conditions are needed for the growth and development of edible fungi

    To understand the requirements of nutrition and environmental conditions for the growth and development of edible fungi, in the process of cultivation, create suitable environmental conditions and grow mushrooms scientifically in order to obtain high yield and increase income. 1. Carbon, nitrogen, mineral elements and auxin are necessary nutrients for the growth of edible fungi. Wood and sawdust are rich in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which are carbon nutrients needed by edible fungi. Wheat bran, rice bran, soybean meal, corn meal and urea are rich in nitrogen.

  • How to ingredient edible fungus with fermentation auxiliaries?

    How to ingredient edible fungus with fermentation auxiliaries?

    How to ingredient edible fungus with fermentation auxiliaries?

  • Preparation of Mother Culture medium for Edible Fungi

    Preparation of Mother Culture medium for Edible Fungi

    1. 800 grams of corn, 20 grams of glucose, 20 grams of Agar, 1.5 liters of rice water. First, boil the corn kernels in dilute Amoy rice water, pick them up when a small amount of corn kernels burst and filter. Continue to heat the filtrate (if the filtrate is less than 1 liter, add clean water to make up), add Agar and glucose, stir until all the Agar dissolves, then separate the test tube, sterilize and place the bevel. two。 Fresh Pleurotus ostreatus or mushroom foot 200 grams, glucose 20 grams, Agar 20 grams, water 1 liter. The preparation method is the same as potato glucose Agar medium. 3. Wheat bran 2

  • Prevention and control of edible fungi diseases, edible fungi cultivation raw materials and formulas

    Prevention and control of edible fungi diseases, edible fungi cultivation raw materials and formulas

    Edible mushroom cultivation raw materials and formula

  • Using waste of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus as organic fertilizer

    Using waste of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus ostreatus as organic fertilizer

    There are more than 80,000 mu of rice in Haidian District, Beijing. Except for some straw, most of them are burned, which not only pollutes the environment but also wastes resources. According to this situation, we studied 9 mushroom species and finally determined that straw rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus was one of the ways to utilize rice straw. The key techniques of cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus are as follows. One.

  • How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom?

    How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom?

    How to cultivate and manage tea tree mushroom? Please introduce Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, willow matsutake, willow ring fungus, etc., is one of the newly developed varieties of edible fungi in recent years. The fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus is delicious, crisp and delicious, rich in protein, and is the most popular edible fungus in Europe and Southeast Asia.

  • Method of feeding chicken with rice bran

    Method of feeding chicken with rice bran

    Rice bran is the main by-product of rice processing, which is generally used as feed for poultry and livestock, so what is the method of feeding rice bran to chickens? What is rice bran? Rice bran is the product of rice whitening process. Nowadays, rice bran is mainly composed of pericarp, seed coat and outer part.

    2020-11-11 Rice bran feeding chicken method rice bran yes rice processing main
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Mushroom Rookie "Coprinus comatus 201"

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Mushroom Rookie

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Mushroom Rookie "Coprinus comatus 201"

  • Cultivation of Edible Fungi with Peat in Japan

    Cultivation of Edible Fungi with Peat in Japan

    Japan has successfully studied a method of cultivating edible fungi in a mixed medium with 20% to 30% peat and oily grains (all based on dry matter). Before cultivation, cut off and cut up the long fibers in the peat, and add the mixture of barley husk, rice bran and sawdust which can effectively increase ventilation, then bottled, sterilized and inoculated. When the formula is suitable, the recovery rate of each bottle of Pleurotus ostreatus is 55%, which is 30% higher than that of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated with sawdust and rice sugar medium alone. The growth period can range from 50 days to 56 days.

  • How to use biogas dregs to grow edible fungi

    How to use biogas dregs to grow edible fungi

    How to use biogas dregs to grow edible fungi

  • Edible mushroom rookie-Coprinus comatus

    Edible mushroom rookie-Coprinus comatus

    Coprinus comatus is a new variety of high-grade edible fungi, which has high root nutritional and medicinal value. According to the analysis of experts on edible fungi, every 100 grams of Coprinus comatus contains 25.4 grams of crude protein, 3.3 grams of fat, 51.5 grams of nitrogen-free carbohydrate, 7.3 grams of cellulose, 12.5 grams of ash and 346 kcal. In addition, it contains all the essential amino acids for human body. Cultivated Coprinus comatus is rich in raw materials, most of which come from agricultural by-products (such as rice straw, straw, grain husk, wood bran, etc.), with low cost and high efficiency.

  • The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The latest course of High-yield cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible fungus of Pleurotus ostreatus, which is rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, as well as physiologically active substances, which can induce interferon synthesis and improve human immunity.

    2020-11-10 The latest Phoenix tail mushroom high yield cultivation techniques methods tutorials